Apparently, wearing makeup means you’re fake
Let’s talk about the walking red flag on the current Love is Blind reality TV show.
Usually, when I watch Love is Blind, I’m more interested in seeing who is suited to whom and how drastically things can change once the contestants are out of the pods and in the real world. I understand that maybe after leaving the pods, some of them realize how the other person looks plays a bigger role in their level of commitment than they anticipated.
What I didn’t anticipate was watching the breakdown between JP and Taylor over the fact that she wore makeup. I remember watching them both interact, or the lack of interaction prior to the conversation about makeup. I was honestly baffled by what the issue was, and at one point I gave him the benefit of doubt and thought maybe he’s just really shy because what else could possibly be the reason? She’s an attractive girl, and I genuinely didn’t think it could have anything to do with the way she looks, so I put it down to his camera shyness because in the pods, the cameras are slightly more hidden as opposed to having a cameraman follow you around everywhere you go.
I think what really bothered me about this whole situation was that JP felt he had a say in how Taylor should look. I spent quite a bit of time deciding whether I wanted to write this article, even though the conversation infuriated the hell out of me. The reason is that I don’t agree with the cancel culture. I really didn’t want to focus on JP as a person because I don’t feel like he should be targeted as a bad person, regardless of his opinion when it comes to makeup. I think this should be looked at as part of the bigger picture of how some men feel they have a say in how a woman should look.
Let’s be honest, most men probably tell their wives they don’t need makeup. I know mine has; however, on occasions when I've worn full glam, he’s also told me that he likes my makeup. I don’t wear makeup for my husband; I wear it for me, and he’s well aware of that. If I've made subtle changes in my makeup, he notices, and I love that about him.
Now getting back to the show, I remember watching in disbelief as I listened to some of the things JP was saying to Taylor. I was surprised she kept it together because it would have been a different scenario if I were in her place.
99% of men probably don’t know what women want, so how one man thought he knew what 99% of women want is beyond me.
Isn’t the show called Love is Blind? The whole point of this show is to put aside appearances and connect with someone on a deeper level without knowing what one another looks like. Realistically, he should’ve mentioned this in the pods if it was such a big issue for him, not because I feel she could’ve changed in anyway, but because it could have made her decision a lot easier.
People don’t wear makeup to become a different person; they wear it for different reasons, such as generally loving makeup as a form of expression and creativity, boosting their confidence, or enhancing their features.
It makes me sad to think there must be so many couples out there where one partner is dictating how the other should look. It’s sad that, as a society, we haven’t moved on from the topic of women wearing makeup or wearing too much of it.
Makeup doesn’t change who you are as a person; I’m still me with or without my full face of glam and stick-on lashes.
My husband wouldn’t dare comment on my appearance unless it was positive. I sometimes wonder if he’s too considerate that way. After all if I have spinach in my teeth I prefer to know. I tell him. You take a person for what they are not what you decided they should be. With or without makeup matters none. I should have been a makeup artist cause my bathroom looks like Sephora. And my husband accepts that
Sounds to me like a Control thing. My makeup spectrum goes from one end to other depending on the occasion. But I feel comfortable leaving the house with no make up as I look after my skin and I use good quality products and keep my brushes/sponges clean. If my partner commented on me wearing too much make up I would question if he would have even approached me when we first met as I was full-on glammed! This is the same as your partner saying you're showing too much leg or too much cleavage... That would just vex me and it's definitely a control thing. I would send him packing as that's His insecurities kicking in. Don't put your shit on me love.