I’ll start by being honest about the fact that I only started watching Yellowstone a few weeks ago, and I’m already on the last season. My husband and I are addicted to this show and have been binge-watching it daily.
Someone recommended we watch this show a few months ago, and we both watched around 15 minutes of the first episode and gave up. This happened at least 3 to 5 times. Finally, we forced ourselves to finish the first episode, and by the end of it, we were hooked.
Now before I get started with my little rant, let’s discuss what the show is about. Yellowstone is based around the Dutton family, who own the Yellowstone Ranch, which is the largest ranch in Montana. The show is based around internal family drama consisting of scandalous events, backstabbing, murders, and so much more. John Dutton is the head of the family, overlooking his kingdom and going through the ups and downs of protecting it from modern-day threats.
Yellowstone is packed with family drama, and putting everything aside, such as the cowboy life, where it is based, and the politics of the show, everyone is sure to find something that resonates with them when it comes to the family dynamics, whether it be sibling rivalry, the loss of a parent, the loss of a partner, or the loss of a sibling.
The show will have you on the edge of your seat, and when it doesn't, it will be packed with cowboy stunts and the skill that comes with riding a horse. The masterful horse trainers will leave you in awe when you see the level of skill they have when riding horses, and the view of untouched land will 100% make you want to visit a ranch at some point in your life.
I don’t want to give away too much about the show because I really do hope you watch it and enjoy it as much as I have, so let’s move on.
I’m that person who googles the show once I’m fully invested in it, and after doing so, I realized there was some controversy about the show. Some people were saying that it’s not a complex show and that it lacks depth. There are several blogs and YouTube videos of people talking about how lackluster the show is. This got me thinking about how complex these people are making such a basic form of entertainment. It’s a TV show; it’s meant to be entertaining.
It almost feels as though the world has gone crazy. Shows like this are created for the purpose of entertainment; if someone feels a show is not complex enough for them or not thought-provoking enough, then they should watch something else. I don’t feel there is anything wrong with people being open about their opinions; however, when you start undermining the people who actually enjoy shows like this, it becomes cruel and unnecessary.
I watched a YouTube video of someone talking about how they watch the show just because they find it funny imagining all the people who actually enjoy this show and think the show has depth, as if they are just not intelligent enough and therefore are watching a show like Yellowstone. I don’t understand what gives people like this the right to undermine people who are just watching a show as a form of entertainment.
I agree that some TV shows have depth and some don't; however, anyone who finds a specific show entertaining in some way may also find something within that show that resonates with them. Such as the family dynamic of the Dutton’s in Yellowstone, or again, maybe they just find it entertaining. Everyone has the right to their own opinion, but what I don’t agree with is people belittling others openly online for not having the same opinion or likes and dislikes.
It’s bad enough that the world has gotten to a place where people are openly scrutinizing one another for their beliefs or opinions, so how about we leave one little slice of life alone so that we can all just enjoy the things that were created to be enjoyed?
Kevin ohhhhh Kevin hehe 😍🤠
Fabulous series! Beth is my favourite character, what that woman endures and still fights another day is admirable.