Whenever I spend a great deal of money on luxury items, I ask myself the same question every time. How much will I realistically wear this item? I’ll admit, I probably spend a fair amount of time convincing myself I’ll wear it more than I actually do; however, I've realized over time that I’ve gotten better at picking pieces that will inevitably be back on trend once again.
I stand by the fact that I don’t buy or wear anything purely because it may be on trend. Seeing trends unfold is something I love because I like to see if there’s anything there that I like and genuinely feel will suit me and my style. If I buy it, it’s because I like it and will probably wear it even when it’s no longer trending.
One thing I’ve learned over the years is that trends come, go, and come back again. When trends do end up coming back around, it reminds me of all the luxury pieces I’ve forgotten about deep in the corners of my wardrobe. Well, that happened very recently with the trending Chanel ballet pumps that you’ve probably seen everywhere. As I scrolled past countless Instagram posts of fashion influencers donning their brand new Chanel pumps, I realized I still had a pair (somewhere) from 2012.
These were special. They were a gift from my husband for our first Valentines when we were dating. They are a classic red and black palette and are generally still in good condition considering how old they are. I rummaged through my wardrobe, and there they were. Sitting there, I realized there were so many other items I had forgotten about that seemed to be trending. I also sat and remembered how many things I had previously thrown out because I thought I’d never wear them again, and I deeply regret it. Because, as much as I don’t wear things just to be on trend, trends give us a great idea of what could or would suit us and also a gentle reminder of things we may have forgotten about.
My very first pair of Chanel ballet pumps (which I bought for myself) were the classic beige and black, and I clearly remember clearing my wardrobe out a few years ago and battling with the decision to throw them out. If you had seen them, you would have thrown them away for me. To say I made good use of them is an understatement, but there’s something about knowing you’ve made good use of expensive luxury items that feels so good. It’s almost like someone giving you a pat on the back and saying, ‘Well done, it was worth the money’.
In the hope that I haven’t turned you into a hoarder, I hope you enjoy the things that may be old for you but new for others.
Love getting new things than wear it once’s or twilight not comfortable it goes into the closet
I already am a hoarder. Lol. But this weekend I’m going through my closet and I’m shocked at home many things I totally forgot about.